The millstone market crashed Monday afternoon when news that Pedo Story Hour at a local library had been canceled, leaving custom-made millstones bone dry and without a neck to hang on.
As previously reported, the city of Denton planned on hosting a child grooming storytime for children aged 2-8, reading books on sexuality and transexual issues.
The city of Denton is now claiming due to “safety concerns” (parents not wanting their 2 year olds sexualized) that they are cancelling the event.
Concerned for safety? You bet.
The city of Denton claims they have received “disrespectful” complaints which, to us, seems pretty normal when you’re using taxpayer dollars to read transsexual grooming books to 2 year old children.
Christian conservative activist, Kevin Whitt, was also on-site today to protest the event.
Ryan Adams, employee of the city of Denton, is also keen to mention that the books are “not focused on teaching children about…anything related to sex” which is a flat out lie, especially considering that the original name of the event was, quite literally, “Transgender StoryTime.”
A quick google search of any of the book titles shows that they were largely focused on sexuality and very much endorsed by the transsexual community.
Ryan Adams, author of the city’s press release, also encourages parents to read the books. We can tell you, based on Ryan's photo, that he is likely an avid reader of these types of books.
Little too much blush on picture day
It should be noted that the city threatens to reschedule the event at a later time. We will update when we hear when that time is.
Parents should continue to stay involved in their community and what their tax dollars pay for. This is a fight we should be having as the sexualization and grooming of our children is something these people will never stop attempting to do.
The question remains, will Tim Dunn finally declare war on men in skirts bouncing toddlers on their laps in public libraries? Or will a Bitcoin billionaire step up and vanquish the perverts and reestablish Christendom?