Denton GOP Chair PURGES Grassroots Leaders From Party

In recent weeks, the Denton County Republican Party (DCRP) has erupted in rancor, following a series of actions by County Chair Jayne Howell.

The trouble started almost a month ago, when Howell was caught committing numerous ethics violations to prop up her Vice-Chair and known Democrat donor Brent Hagenbuch. Among these violations were:

  • Allowing Hagenbuch to use party communications to pressure people to vote for him.

  • Allowing party officers to use their titles in endorsing the closet Democrat in his DCRP chair bid.

  • Improperly handling County Executive Committee (CEC) meetings.

  • Screwing over Connie Hudson, allowing her to get misinformation on filing paperwork that resulted in her being unable to run for County Chair.

  • Pressuring Precinct Chairs via text to back Hagenbuch

  • Much more. A secret squirrel sent us a deep dive into Howell and Hagenbuch’s shenanigans that can be read here.

A mere sample of Howell’s misdeeds from the aforementioned deep dive.

Remember, screwjobs don’t just happen in Austin; often they occur in your own local party and community. That’s why it’s important for people to expose them whenever they arise.

It’s even devolved into possible election fraud.

A brave group of Precinct Chairs attempted to expose Howell and Hagenbuch this week, upending a traditional (and quite boring) CEC meeting by moving to have the votes censuring Howell and Hagenbuch done immediately; they succeeded due to their acute knowledge of meeting procedure.

After non-Precinct Chairs were kicked out of the room, and copious contested votes (a fight nearly broke out at one point, according to an observer), Chair Howell unfortunately escaped censuring, 55-58. Her accomplice Brent Hagenbuch wasn’t so lucky, getting censured 58-55.

Howell’s alleged last words to Hagenbuch after the vote

You might think administrative happenings stopped that night, but Howell was more vindictive than speculated. Reports surfaced of a massive purge by Howell and her establishment bootlickers by removing conservative leaders and officers who dared hold her accountable.

One such man was Nick Augustine; despite his past as a janissary for the establishment, he’s emerged as a grassroots hero during recent years. In a Facebook post, he exposed some of DCRP’s actions.

Regretfully, Augustine wasn’t the only leader to be purged from DCRP leadership. Another notable leader, Morgan McComb, was also suddenly ejected from her position.

Various others were expelled as well, including:

  • Gloria McDonald, who was an area leader with the DCRP with a lengthy record of service to grassroots conservatives, and is currently the President of Denton County Conservative Coalition (D3C).

  • Spencer Brolsma, who was an officer with the DCRP
    Correction: Spencer Brolsma stepped down citing that he could not serve under a chairman that was “vindictive and lacked integrity”

  • Carmen Prince, who was on the Precinct Chair selection committee with a history of party service.

  • Connie Hudson, who despite her long track record in party leadership and service to conservative causes, was also purged after daring to discuss deception by the Executive Director, as well as standing up to Jayne.

One way to fight against this corruption is to organize with solid Precinct Chairs against establishment candidates and persons whenever possible. In fact, a way to help next month is to boycott the DCRP Lincoln-Reagan dinner on February 26th, where much of the Denton GOP’s fundraising comes from. Doing this will hit them hard, and show you aren’t falling for their scams anymore.

Those Lincoln-Reagan “dinners” are often scams anyways. You pay for an overpriced ticket for overcooked chicken and listen to controlled opposition, and demented Austin suits yammer for hours about how great they are. If you want extra yapping, just pull up their Twitter accounts.

If there’s anyone we’re missing from those victimized by the DCRP, feel free to contact us, and share your story.

If you need something to do, organize with your own conservative friends and clubs to create alternatives to Lincoln-Reagans, that fundraise for actual Right-Wing causes. Remember, there are more with us than against us, and the goal is NOT retreat from county parties under subversive control. Don’t resign your seat so more traitors can fill it and replace you. Instead, it’s to rejuvenate the true grassroots base and organize for taking back not just the county, but the state, and nation too. Besides, if God be for us, who can be against us?


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