Cash’s Killer Walks
“The man charged with capital murder in the death of 4-year-old Cash Gernon has been found incompetent to stand trial by a Dallas County judge, according to officials. Now, an attorney for Darriynn Brown says he has been placed on a waiting list to be transferred to a facility in Vernon.” – WFAA (Murder of Cash Gernon: Suspect found incompetent for trial |
So, with still unanswered questions about his living conditions, caregiver, and family, Cash finds his killer quietly getting the white glove treatment. Defend your neighborhood from an alleged thief, jogging 25 miles from home in Timberlands work boots? Jail for life! Confront a creep who had the police called on him multiple times? Guilty of assault and racism! Kidnap and murder a child? Enjoy a state paid grippy sock vacation!
It’s not Aruba, but the service is 24/7 and 5 star all the same!
Not that this is surprising. Most of us who were watching this case a year ago suspected this would be the outcome. Brown will likely get an insanity plea, sentenced to cushy mental ward, then given outpatient care after a few years. There will be no outrage, no media hysteria, or even popular outcry over this.
The left controls the legal system and whether it’s through covid controls, the importation of foreign and hostile populations, or the misapplication of justice, they intend to oppress you and crush you until you no longer exist. Antifa bomb maker? Released on misdemeanor charges. Don’t worry, it’s fine.
“Garrett James Smith, the antifa member accused of bringing a destructive device to a right-wing rally in Clearwater, Fla. on Jan. 6, 2022, was released without bail to his parent's gated community home in the East Lake Woodlands on Feb. 10. His hired attorney filed a motion with the state for his client's mandatory release because the three felony counts related to making or possessing a destructive device were still pending. Law enforcement originally found a pipe-bomb looking device on his possession and a search of his room found more similar devices, along with tape and nails. Smith had spent time in Portland, Ore., the epicenter of U.S. Antifa. But after forensic analysis on the devices by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), the felony charges have been completely dropped. Bruce Bartlett, the prosecutor, wrote that Smith's devices "emit smoke but do not explode if ignited." He added Smith will only be prosecuted for the misdemeanor crime of loitering and prowling.” – Andy Ngo (Shared post - Breaking: Felony bomb charges dropped against Florida antifa member (
Cash, sadly, is just another in a long, long list of Americans killed by the negligence and intentional destruction of their country by a hostile and traitorous elite. In four years, when Brown is walking the streets free again, remember, the same people who handed James Younger over to his witch of a mother to be castrated are responsible.