Burrowing in Burrow’s Wallet (and Phelan’s)

While many of you are focused on the senile usurper occupying the White House, or maybe even Palestinians holding what can be best described as a BLM rally in Jerusalem, we’d like to remind you of events occurring far closer to home: The Screw-Job Session.

Instead of focusing on issues Texans actually care about, the worthless Austin fat cats decided to push for rural broadband so companies can sell more data. However, I’d argue THIS describes the retardation and corruption of our legislators perfectly:

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In our quest to expose the powers that be, we decided to do some digging of our own. We decided to do some research into the donors of the more powerful members of the Texas Legislature: Speaker Dade Phelan, and loyal boyfrie- I mean acolyte Dustin Burrows. In this article, we’ll be feelin’ Phelan’s wallet, and Burrowing in that of Burrows.

Exhibit A: Burrows

Dustin Burrows (R-Lubbock), who’s most infamous accolades include defending child mutilators, and being Republican Caucus Chairman under Dennis “hit list” Bonnen, has a not-so-interesting donation record, compromising most of your run-off-the-mill big money types that donate to anyone that holds a seat.

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For a man with a history of weakness on issues people care about, his donation history is relatively boring, but in light of a certain financial scandal covered by our Secret Squirrels (do Valoree Swanson and Lacey Hull ring bells?), there MIGHT be more donations than what meets the eye, and his finances are something to be paid attention to. A notable expenditure is his $10,000 to fellow state Rep. Craig Goldman (R-Fort Worth). Why did Burrows donate so much money to a fellow Rep.? Is it because nobody actually wants to give to Goldman (which to be fair is likely), or is there something more sinister?

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Exhibit B: Phelan

In this section, its time to feel Phelan. Matthew “Dade” Phelan, known mostly for appointing Democrats to chair committees, and shilling for LGBTXYZLSDWTH, has more interesting finances. Firstly let’s look at the boost in donations he received in late 2020, coincidentally around the time was slated to be House Speaker.

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Something more interesting is his donor list that rivals the Bible in page numbers

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A name that sticks out to many in Texas politics is Charles Butt, CEO of HEB. That might not sound big at first, but keep in mind that Butt is infamous for bankrolling Leftist causes, such as gun control and ballot stuffing. This might explain the lack of election integrity legislation, and Phelan’s foot-dragging on constitutional carry.

Because heaven forbid we have common sense vote security in Texas

Because heaven forbid we have common sense vote security in Texas

With donors like the aforementioned, its no wonder our legislators bow when they’re most needed by their constituents. If a candidate has Charles Butt as a donor, bottomline (pun intended), they should be avoided.


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