ERCOT Fail 2.0: Summer Boogaloo?
Remember the infamous winter outages, when more than 110 Texans died thanks to Governor Abbott and ERCOT’s incompetence? If current trends hold, we may be headed for another blackout, this time in the midst of summer heat.
It appears that if ERCOT fails again, as I expect, there will be around the same amount of people dead as before, with blood once again being on ERCOT and Abbott’s hands. During the Screw-Job Session, our elected officials tried to convince us that ERCOT’s issues were fixed via SB 2, and SB 3, but in reality they never really fixed the problem. SB 2 mandated that ERCOT board members have to be Texans (something that should’ve been common sense), and allows the board more independence. SB 3, among other things, creates a blackout alert system, and “requires” the winterization of natural gas and power plants; nevermind that the bill sets no deadlines, and leaves them up to energy providers. There’s also nothing in the bill that prohibits virtual “inspections,” such as the one that kept so many our power plants from being winterized.
Once again, the magic suits in Austin fail their constituents, especially those who lost loved ones in the last blackout.
Texans attitudes towards TXLege
All Abbott and his lemon party accomplished was screwing over their base, and legalizing alcohol to-go (something neighboring Louisiana legalized long ago). There’s only so much to-go margaritas can do against blackouts during a heatwave. I’m not sure if Abbott cares though, and a question arises from this: does he think blackout deaths count as sacrifices to Lam? The result of heatwave blackout deaths would be a further plunge in Abbott’s approval rating, with Democrats squawking about their “green new deal” plans that would make our blackout predicament worse, as well as stronger opposition from GOP grassroots candidates, whether that be Don Huffines, Allen West, Sid Miller, or a deer carcass I found by the road, all of whom could better handle our power problems than Abbott.
Other than preparing our plants for adverse weather conditions, the GOP needs to stop trying to appeal to those that hate us: The Left. After all, as Leader West said: “The only thing in the middle of the road, is roadkill.” Instead of appealing to the middle, trying to compromise with subversives, and snuggling up to failed energy strategies, Texas should instead cut off subsidies for unreliable energy sources, and focus on cultivating natural gas and nuclear; sources that do Texans well by comparison. After many Texans were left in the cold this year, let’s not make them endure a heatwave. Instead, make Abbott and other traitors feel the heat this coming primary season.