OOPS! Texas Voter Praised by CNN Arrested for Voting Illegally
No doubt he identified as a legal voter at the time.
Montgomery County Police Reporter:
On Super Tuesday Harvis Rogers told reporters that he waited six hours in line at a poll at Texas Southern University. Rogers told CNN “I figured like it was my duty to vote. I wanted to get my vote in to voice my opinion. And I wasn’t going to let nothing stop me. So I waited it out. ” Rogers was the last person to cast a ballot at his voting center in Houston. He told CNN that he wasn’t upset by the long wait but that he thought “the process could’ve been done better than that.” “But that wasn’t going to deter me from voting,” he added.
He looked happy as heck in the CNN story.
But then, Harvis found himself in jail again. He was the victim of the systemic skin-hatred of our criminal justice system.
“...I wasn’t going to let nothing stop me. ”
I guess CNN went with running the story despite it being the smoking gun that got the man arrested because Harvis Rogers was truly the only man in America who was excited to vote for Joe Biden.
The man’s criminal record is very extensive. He seemed to receive a bunch of big sentences but never served the full term, because the timeline shows he was out committing more crimes when he should have still been in prison.
I’m sure Jeff Leach is working overtime to “criminal justice reform” his ass right back to the streets.
Ever since the 2020 presidential election was brazenly stolen through an open globalist conspiracy, election integrity (not criminal justice reform) has become a top priority for many Republican voters.
Our voting is so unserious that even candidates for office in Texas have figured out the amazing power of the mail-in ballot scam.
I’ll just say this — the entire facade around these election integrity bills is the establishment’s Scam of the Year.
Both parties are benefiting from the fake fight happening over election reform. Democrats everywhere are repeating literally the stupidest talking points in the history of politics over these bills, which even the most tepid and useless Republican lawmaker is easily able to rebuke when challenged.
Let’s look how this is working
Democrats Gains
Fundraising (bigly)
Media content generation (narrative)
Calling everyone and everything wayciss
Low-risk experiments with talking point curation pushed out via their communications network
Republican Gains
Republican voters witnessing unhinged liberals say incorrect things about bills they never read, which makes useless Republican lawmakers look good in comparison
Since they are not fighters, Republicans have to orchestrate a fake fight to help their image and credibility
The System at large needs to make an overly-big deal out of this election integrity because many Republican voters are simply going to be done with voting now
The Texas Legislature could have rammed through an election integrity bill within the first few days of session, but instead Dade Phelan, Dustin Burrows and other conspirators let the Democrats do their fake walk out on the last day. You have to ask why.
We should be crushing the left in every corner of this state. They should be looking for a new state to live in because it’s so unbearable for them to live in Texas as a leftist.
The time for stupid games is over.