Leader West Rips Face Daiper Off Local Soyboy
Well, the police just won’t leave this man alone. Yesterday, in his quest to overthrow Abbott, Supreme Leader Allen West was accused of “assault” by a local masktard for the horrific act of demonstrating masks don’t work. It’s worth mentioning that the fruit in question was harassing West at the DFW Airport, calling him an “idiot” and a “murderer” before West acted.
The DFW police are still investigating the matter. Regardless, he deserves nothing but our commendation for doing what everyone should do (in spirit) when confronted by a masktard suffering brain damage after his 666th booster shot.
Lovers of freedom and sanity throughout Texas and around the world should be standing up to flu restrictions whenever they can, and socially torment those who follow them. While you might not want to get close to them (unlike the superflu, AIDS is a real disease you don’t want), you should resist whenever you can. Remember, the more you tolerate something, the more it gets worse.
Speaking of airports, let’s talk about an example almost everyone can relate with: the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). At it’s inception in 2001, we were told it was for our safety, and we’d just take a little longer to board a safe flight. Fast forward to the mid-2000s and TSA agents assume you’re a terrorist if you dare drink water. Today, they’re the only class of people (other than trannies) that can legally violate you
How long before they start both groping and “jabbing” you?
Getting back to today’s eternal flu panic, let’s see what happens where heart attack injection mandates are tolerated. The powers that be are already demanding that little children get Big Pharma death juice, despite science showing kids are more likely to die from vaxxes than from COVID. We already know Leftists and their enablers love abusing kids, but it’s still abominable.
Coming to Texas soon under Abbott’s watch
This was never about science; the goal is mass social control, the implementation of a woke credit system, and eternal profits for Big Pharma.
“Do you have a moment to hear about our Lord and Savior Dr. Fauci?”
Now continue your resistance like you did on election day, when thousands of school board subversives across Texas and the rest of America were purged, and the overton window shifted hard right due to resistance against sexual perversions in schools, anti-white conspiracy gibberish (CRT), and cold virus mandates.
Important races that used to receive no attention had turnout surge as real Americans fought for our children, and nation. Finally, GOP candidates finally started talking about the social and national security matters (yes, immigration and crime are national security issues) that people actually care about, instead of yammering about “muh tax cuts, muh free markets, muh constitution” ad nauseum. This is how we win in 2022.
As I said earlier, social ostracism and taunting of the regime compliant also works for the cause. Not only is it not limited to election day, but it works for making the movement look truly popular and counter-cultural. Do you think the Left got to society’s power pinnacle by coddling opposition? In reality, they obtained power through similar doings as Leader Allen’s: directly confronting their opposition.
So continue fighting, voting, and being active in your communities. When they call you “far-right,” remember this slogan: “Better far right than far wrong.”
The respect pro-vaxx leadership deserves.