Abbott’s Buddy Jeff Leach Attacks Huffines, Commits Blasphemy
Jeff Leach, the tea party darling-turned shill for the establishment, passed his test of loyalty by attacking grassroots outsider candidate for Texas Governor Don Huffines on Friday with what appears to be a completely made up claim.
Leach provides no evidence for his claim that Don Huffines was praying to God the Father, or His Son, Jesus Christ, asking that God strike down the electric grid and cause it to fail, which would lead to many deaths.
Leach, who is said by many to have a “mostly fake” Texas accent, did not respond to our request for comment because we made no such request. Current Revolt has a long-standing practice of shunning blasphemers.
At the time when we would have reached out for comment (absent the blasphemy,) Leach was sharing the news of his endorsement from “Texas Values Action,” a group that supports family values by endorsing all of the known adulterers in the State Legislature.
Laugh reacts only, plz.
This is not the first time Jeff Leach has saddled up on the ultimate high horse of telling everyone how real salvation is earned. In 2020, Leach said that real Christians believe whatever they are told by the media, and that we should pray for President Brandon as he destroys America.
Leach, who is currently under investigation by Current Revolt for his suspected involvement in hanky panky with his campaign finances, was also attacked by none other than the former State Senator, the Cleopatra of Texas media, Konni Burton.
Vice Chair of the Texas GOP, Cat Parks, also chimed in. At first she was like “meowwww” before making a passive aggressive swipe at unspecified people, possibly Huffines, who is much more conservative than Parks.
It appears that the “pray for the power grid to fail” narrative was something put out by Greg Abbott’s campaign attacking Mexican-American-Irishman Democratic candidate for Governor, Beto O’Rourke.
It’s clear that the Texas establishment (read:corrupt) Republicans have some method to share talking points through back channels. They seem to do this infrequently, really only when they personally benefit from pushing some narrative. Contrast this to the Democrats, who operate like the Borg in spreading whatever kooky talking points that come from the Mockingbird media, which often make the individual Democrat look whacked-out, but that serve the larger agenda of the global elite in some way.
I’m just praying the vaccine starts working on these RINOs soon enough.